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x 48 minutový francouzský dokument s anglickými titulky. Ženy mluví o sobě a svých pocitech. Dále dokumenty o lidské sexualitě.
Masturbation of women remains today one of the great taboos. This fascinating documentary will break the silence around this issue. Meet in New York to Betty Dodson, the doctor who can be considered as the first coach of orgasms. This woman has taught unapologetic women of all ages and backgrounds beliefs seemingly simple skill: how to masturbate. And now, for the first time, three women for whom masturbation is a difficult issue to deal with, are willing to undergo therapy with Betty before the cameras. Do not miss this unique documentary in which we live a busy week for both psychological and practical instruction, including private meetings and working groups. Do you dare to break the taboo? .. Learn the secrets of female masturbation guru Betty Dodson female masturbation we talk more about this Taboo
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