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The Greatest Migration (British Columbia, Canada) Flathead Wild údolí řeky, Jihovýchod BC.. Flathead River (medvědi) A River's Last Breath (na čínské řece Yang-Tse) Last Frontier Conservation and Exploration in Papua New Guinea Salmon Confidential
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Salmon Confidential
Salmon Confidential is a new film on the government cover up of what is killing BC’s wild salmon. When biologist Alexandra Morton discovers BC’s wild salmon are testing positive for dangerous European salmon viruses associated with salmon farming worldwide, a chain of events is set off by government to suppress the findings. Tracking viruses, Morton moves from courtrooms, into British Columbia’s most remote rivers, Vancouver grocery stores and sushi restaurants. The film documents Morton’s journey as she attempts to overcome government and industry roadblocks thrown in her path and works to bring critical information to the public in time to save BC’s wild salmon. The film provides surprising insight into the inner workings of government agencies, as well as rare footage of the bureaucrats tasked with managing our fish and the safety of our food supply. Více také na Salmon Confidential
x tažení lososovitých ryb na divokých kanadských řekách. Záběry nádherné přírody Britské Kolumbie, přírody která je ohrožena těžbou surovin a nevratným zničením křehkého ekosystému.

Follow the International League of Conservation Photographers for a R.A.V.E. in the Flathead River Valley in Southeastern British Columbia. The goal of these Rapid Assessment Visual Expeditions is to capture compelling media to support an existing conservation effort. Here, in one of the most pristine river valleys on the planet, a proposed open pit coal mine would disrupt a critical habitat migration corridor and pollute the headwaters of Glacier National Park in the US.

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