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Jiddu Krishnamurti o tom co je meditace, proč člověk chce vůbec meditovat, co hledá a co se za tím skrývá. Čtvrtý ze čtyř hovorů, který se konal v dubnu roku 1970 na státní univerzire v San Diegu.

Má člověk skutečně tak mizerný a nenaplněný život, že ho musí hledat v jiné dimenzi aby zapomněl na všechno to utrpení, které je přítomné v jeho životě? Nevíme si pomoci a žádáme druhých aby nám pomohli? Pomůže nám návod, který vytvořil někdo jiný? Nestáváme se nakonec člověkem, který žije z druhé ruky? Co je život?
Duben 1970, 4/4 publick talk, San Diego State College, California

Jiddu Krishnamurti : Need for Security - Nature of Mind
Why do we want security?

Am I separate from the agony I go through?

When one is frightened, actually, there is no me separate from fear.

The whole content of one's consciousness is unclear, messy. There is no part of it that is clear. We think there is a part, which is the observer, separating himself from the mess. The observer is the observed.

When there is observation that consciousness is messy, that fact can only exist when there is total attention. And when there is total attention, confusion doesn't exist anymore. It is only inattention that creates the problems.

If I know how to read myself I don't need anybody to tell me. But we have never attempted deeply to read the book of myself. I come to you and say, 'Please, help me to read,' and then the whole thing is lost.

You must be free to examine. Free from your prejudice, from your previous experience, otherwise you can't examine. You can't investigate. Investigate means explore, push it, push it, further and further. Are you willing to do that, so that actually the self is not?

This was J krishnamurti 3rd Discussion with Drs. Bohm, Hidley & Sheldrake, Ojai, California, 17 April

Krishnamurti - Does Pleasure Bring Happiness
This is the eighth conversation between J Krishnamurti and Dr. Allan W. Anderson in San Diego, California,1974.

Question in this series:

What relationship has pleasure to enjoyment, joy, and is pleasure happiness?

Is there any relationship between pleasure and enjoyment?

What is pleasure and what is it that keeps it going?

What is the pursuit, the constant direction of it?

Excerpts from Talks...

" A single tree standing on the hill. You see that it is really beautiful the flowers, the deer, the meadows the water and the single tree, and its shadow. You see that and it is almost breathtaking. Does thought then come along and say how extraordinary it was, what a delight it was? Isn't there then desire for repetition? So thought gives nourishment, sustains it and gives a direction to pleasure. Why should thought come into it at all? " Jiddu Krishnamurti
x Postavil se proti všem církvím a žádal absolutní svobodu pro sebe i pro druhé. Skvělý britský dokument o výjimečném indickém mysliteli a filozofovi. Krishnamurtiho racionální přístup se nezakládá na žádném náboženském systému ani na nějaké víře a naopak proti nim ostře vystupuje. Jiddu Krishnamurti zaznamenal velký úspěch v moderním západním světě a ovlivnil i mnohé významné osobnosti, mj. fyziky Davida Bohma a Fritjofa Capru, biologa Ruperta Sheldrakea a spisovatele Aldouse Huxleyho.
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