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x Po zhruba 30ti letech kosmické cesty opouští stále fungující sonda Voyager 1 sluneční systém a vstupuje do vnějšího kosmického prostoru, tedy do naší galaxie, Mléčné dráhy. Krátké video upozorňuje na tuto pozoruhodnou vědeckou misi.

This is the perfect opportunity for a Carl Sagan quote:
"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known."
The footage in this little film was captured by the hardworking men and women at NASA and The European Space Agency with the Cassini Imaging Science System. If you're interested in learning more about Cassini and the on-going Cassini Solstice Mission, check it out at NASA's website Track: 2 Ghosts I, Ghosts I – IV by Nine Inch Nails (Used under a Creative Commons Non-Commercial Attribution Share Alike license.)
Self-Directed / Edit / Sound Design / Comp / Color from Chris Abbas
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