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x Dokument Beyond Me poskytuje univerzální poselství míru. Dotýká se témat kosmu, instinktu, reinkarnace, buněčné biologie, poruch osobnosti, počítačové vědy a dalších témat. Nabízí pádné důvody, proč je meditace životně důležitá pro náš rozvoj, a to jak osobní, tak i společenský. Autor: Frank Huguenard.

Beyond Belief - In the New Testament of the Bible, there are 18 years of Jesus' life unaccounted for. There has been much speculation on where he was during this time but new evidence presented in this film suggests that not only did he go to India to learn from the Yogic Masters of the time, but he also went back to India after the crucifixion and lived there until he was approximately 100 years old.

Beyond Reason is a film that uses the Modern Scientific Method to examine the Modern Scientific Method. Our intellects are bound by our perceptions and what we perceive is limited by our five senses. From what we've learned though modern physics, what we perceive through our five senses is more unreal than it is real which means our intellects can only get us so far. To get to the Truth, we need to go Beyond Reason.
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