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The film you will be viewing is much bigger than Trash Mountain; it is a story that God has unfolded before us, and we feel it is our obligation and privilege to be witnesses to His glory. It is about the global Church responding to a serious need, and living the command that Jesus has given us to serve the least, the lost and the forgotten.

STAY will take you back to the initial prayers and consequent events that led us to our newest ministry location in Manila, Philippines. The trash dump communities surrounding Manila are in urgent need of basic provisions including food, clean water, education, and most importantly discipleship. You will see heartbreaking images, exciting moments and unexplainable events that have left us all shaking our heads in amazement.

What God has allowed us to capture on film is remarkable, and honestly, we are not creative enough to write the story that you will witness in this documentary. Our hope is that this night will transform and encourage you in the way that you think about culture, people, church, global missions and the power that God is willing and able to pour out on the children He cares so deeply about. If the statements above sound outlandish and a bit sensational...that's okay, because we actually had to tone down our excitement about this story of God's movement in the world around us.
x Odpady jsou tíživým problémem moderní civilizace. Nejčatějším způsobem jejich likvidace je uložení na skládku. Jedna z největších a nejmodernějších v USA i na světě se nachází poblíž kalifornského Los Angeles v místě zvaném Puente Hills. V obřím areálu je třídírna odpadů, spalovna s elektrárnou a deponie. Denně se tu za přísných bezpečnostních a hygienických opatření zpracuje 13 000 tun komunálního odpadu, 900 tun asfaltu, 700 tun stavební sutě a více než 100 tun bioodpadu. České znění.
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